April 16, 2008

Baseball of the Upper Midwest, circa 1992.

Filed under: Baseball,Hand Drawn Maps — admin @ 6:48 pm


I drew this map around 15 years ago, in autumn 1992 through to early 1993.  I ended up doing 3 of this type of map: one of the Northeast (which I’ve already posted);  this one;  and one, of the South, that I will post later this spring.  These maps combine Big League ball clubs with all of the minor-league ball clubs in the region. 

The Major League Baseball clubs in this map are the Chicago Cubs, the Chicago White Sox, the Cincinnat Reds, the Cleveland Indians, the Detroit Tigers, the Kansas City Royals, the Milwaukee Brewers, the Minnesota Twins, and the St. Louis Cardinals.  The Toronto Blue Jays, and the Pittsburgh Pirates emblems are also shown: those two cities are just east of where this map is cut off. 

All the other ball clubs on the map are minor league baseball teams.  These teams are all affiliated with a Major League Baseball parent-club.  [A few of these clubs are defunct; and some have changed names, and/or affiliation] .  The affiliations are indicated on the map by the smaller MLB-club-icons, next to each minor league team’s logo.

To see my map: “Baseball of the Northeast, 1992,” click here. 

To see more of my hand-drawn baseball maps, go to the Categories section on the upper right of the screen, and click on “baseball.”

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