August 26, 2009

Spain, La Liga 2009-2010 season: Map and chart, with cities represented; and attendances from 08/09.

Filed under: Spain — admin @ 4:18 pm


Note: to see my latest post on Spanish football, click on the following, category: Spain.

At the far right,  average attendances from last season are shown via proportionally sized club crests.  At the lower right-center is the list of the cities in Spain which have clubs in the 2009-2010 La Liga season.  Here is the list I used for city/metro area population and rank {click here (‘List of metropolitan areas in Spain by populatiion’,  from}. 

The 09/10 La Liga season starts on Saturday,  29th August,  with two matches;  and Sunday the 30th,  with 8 matches.  Here are fixtures {click here (BBC)}.

‘La Liga 2009-2010: A Season Preview (Part One)’, by Andy Pineda at La Liga {click here}.  (Part Two), {click here}.

Thanks to the European Football Statistics site,  for the attendance figures {click here}.   Thanks to the contributors to the pages at Wikipedia {click here (set at La Liga 2009-10 page)}.   Thanks to European Spatial Planning Observation Network (ESOPN) {click here}. 

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