October 28, 2007

English Premier League, October 2007 attendance update.

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 8:08 pm


English Premier League attendance is up 5 % this season, but some of that can be explained by the addition of Sunderland.  The Black Cats have rocketed to the 5th best attendance in the country.  They are up 10,000 from last season’s final totals (when they won the 2nd Division).  As for the two other newly promoted clubs, Derby has an increase of 6,200, while Birmingham’s gate is up 4,100.  The 2 biggest gate increases of non-promoted clubs are at Aston Villa and Manchester City.  Both these clubs are seeing a rejuvenation on the field, and it has been reflected in the turnstiles.  Villa are 3,000 above last season’s average; City shows an increase of 1,600.  The club with the biggest downturn is Bolton, at -2,000.  They seem doomed to relegation, and it looks like the fans know it.    

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