Though they were outshot by Poland 12-14, Germany won their first game last Sunday by a score of 2-0, with both goals scored by Polish-born Lukas Podolski {click here, for a report from the UEFA site}. Thursday, Germany plays Croatia.
There are three Polish-born players on the German team: Miroslav Klose, Lukas Podolski, and Piotr Trochowski. Both Klose and Podolski were born in Silesia {see this}, which was formerly part of Germany. Most of Silesia is now in (south-west) Poland, with sections in the Czech Republic, and Germany. {Click here, for background on Miroslav Klose’s family, and how they were able to get out of Communist-era Poland, with the help of German-ancestry laws.}
The map shows the 27 cities in Germany with a population over 250,000. Here is a list of the largest cities in Germany {mongabay site; click here}. Below is a population density map of Germany (from Wikipedia).
Thanks to the UEFA site {click here} for the German kits.
[Note: Players caps and goals are listed up to before the start of Euro 2008.]